Niaouli essential oil Organic

Name: Niaouli oil

Latin name: Melaleuca quinquenervia


Synonyms: Melaleuca quinquenervia oil

Origin plant: Madagascar

Part used: leaves

Origin distillation/extraction: Madagascar

Production: Steam distillation of the fresh leaves

Odor and appearance:  fresh sweet, camphoraceous / clear liquid, colorless or pale yellow to greenish yellow

Chemotyp: quinquenervia

Important constituents:

1.8-Cineol: 45-65%

alpha-Pinene: 5-15%

Limonene: 5-10%

alpha-Terpineol: 3-8%

Viridiflorol: 1.5-9%

From CHF 3.54

Niaouli has several different chemotypes and this particular niaouli essential oil is chemotype 1.8 cineole.

Aromatic bouquet of essential oil Niaouli: cold camphor, wood-fresh, with a hint of spicy smoke.

Ideal aromatic partners: Orange, Petitgrain, Frankincense Serrata, Citronella, Peppermint.

In addition to helping to maintain healthy lung and respiratory function, Niaouli essential oil is a powerful oil for use in reducing unwanted microbial activity.

Emotionally and vigorously, Niaouli essential oil contributes to lifting and strengthening.

Essential oil of Niaouli in cosmetology.

As an additive to cosmetics, oil is an effective regenerating agent.

In dermatology and cosmetics it is recommended for the care of oily, as well as inflamed, fading, sensitive, dry skin.

The oil is used to enrich cosmetics, inhalations, rinses, baths, massage, rubbing and compresses.

- Oily hair care

- Care for oily and problem skin

- Care for dry fading skin

Niaouli essential oil is used in cosmetology and in everyday life.

- used as a repellent, eliminates burning, pain, swelling in insect bites

- used for antiseptic processing of items and care products


The use of Niaouli essential oil:

- Inhalation: 1 drop; warm 3-5 minutes, cold - 2-3 minutes

- Electric aroma diffuser: 5-8 drops per 15 m2

- Aroma Medallions: 1 drop

- In sauna: 4-6 drops per session

- Baths: 5-7 drops per bath

- Massage: 5-8 drops of oil per 10 ml of carrier oil

- Enrichment of cosmetics: 1-3 drops per 5 ml of base oil

- Repellent: 15 drops per 50 ml of base oil, body lotion or tonic

- Hair care: applied to the teeth of the comb


Important: essential oils are highly concentrated vegetable essences, so they require dilution with carrier vegetable oils.

Presentation: Amber glass bottles, self-adhesive dropper with internal cone.


Larisa Brinkerhoff
Jojoba Gold
Place du Pra 7
CH-1635 La Tour-de-Trême


Tél  +41 26 912 50 50


Larisa Brinkerhoff
Jojoba Gold
Place du Pra 7
CH-1635 La Tour-de-Trême


Tel  +41 26 912 50 50


Larisa Brinkerhoff
Jojoba Gold
Place du Pra 7
CH-1635 La Tour-de-Trême


Tel  +41 26 912 50 50